Author: ginger

Because memories are valuable, and heirlooms help us keep our memories and transfer the stories to the next generations, I am honored to assist families with transferring their heirloom jewelry into the contemporary world. We are able to preserve the memories and enjoy a contemporary...

When a baby is born, we count. Ten fingers. Ten toes. All is well. At this point, no one knows what will become the function and purpose of those fingers and toes. Will those hands become the hands of a plumber? a chef? a nurse? a...

There is a wall in my home studio where I find myself displaying quotes or images that inspire me. There are words there from Louis Armstrong, Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Madeleine L'Engle and my dear grandmother, to name a few. I wrote directly on...

I was not the first jeweler in my town. When I moved into my downtown studio 3 1/2 years ago as one of several resident artists in a collaborative environment, there was already a sign over the studio that read "Jeweler." The assumption was that all...

I would like to introduce you to Nancy Lee. She is my friend and former classmate at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, Tenn. Nancy's work is graceful and thought-provoking. She strikes a dichotomy between soothing the viewer/wearer and challenging them with the...

In On Collaboration I wrote about working for the children. My other favorite client is the husbands. What's not to love? They come into the gallery with a clear expression of conquest on their faces, and yet, sometimes they do look lost. They are looking for...

( Click here to read about the early formation of Ruth's Song.) Soon after arriving at Arrowmont, the piece began to take shape in my sketchbook. It began as a large neckpiece, in a form that alluded to both a stringed instrument and the female form....

I'd like to tell you the story of Ruth's Song. Last winter I decided to study in the spring of 2008 with Angela Bubash for a week at Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts. I was intrigued with the concept of working with found materials. I...